APIs and documentation
Building a flexible paid family and medical leave program with API technology
We partnered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to develop an API layer that connects disparate systems.
Nava wins prime contract to help CDC build data-informed pandemic-readiness
We’ll partner with CDC to optimize ReportStream, a data pipeline that helps public health agencies make decisions about the public’s well-being.
Strengthening response readiness with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's ReportStream
We partnered with CDC to help expand ReportStream, an essential tool that enables public health departments to receive data on disease test results.
Nava awarded prime contract to scale modernization
We’ll help HHS scale its modernization of with incremental delivery, API-first architecture, and human-centered design.
Nava awarded prime contract to improve healthcare experiences for Medicare beneficiaries
We’ll partner with CMS to give Medicare beneficiaries and their healthcare partners the data they need to make informed decisions about their health.
Data-informed care for Medicare beneficiaries
To ensure Medicare beneficiaries receive high quality care, CMS has been leading efforts to give beneficiaries and providers secure access to data.
Modernizing legacy systems to make data more usable
Our work with CMS shows that modernizing legacy systems by adopting cloud-based infrastructure is key to better data engineering practices.
Building interoperable data pipelines to support program outcomes
Our work with CMS and CDC shows that adopting cloud-based infrastructure is key to better data engineering practices
Designing an API prototype for Montana WIC
Nava worked with the state of Montana’s WIC agency to build an API prototype, helping ease data management and informing a national API standard.
How our work with Montana WIC demonstrated the value of a national API standard
A national API standard can help fuel modernization to improve the WIC experience for staff, participants, and applicants.
Office Hours - WIC Technology for a better WIC experience
Learn how Montana is using human-centered design and technology to make WIC more accessible, and how you could apply that to upcoming grant funding.
Why human-centered testing is crucial to building government software
At Nava, we’ve leaned into modern and open-source frontend testing options to ensure seamless experiences for the constituents we serve.
How APIs can help WIC better meet staff and participants’ needs
An API standard would unlock digital tools and catalyze WIC's ability to evolve and grow.
The billion user load test
Nava’s Scalable Login System provides authentication and account management for millions on We wanted to see how far it could scale.